So on request these posts will follow in English, this due to the fact that my German or Finnish just isn't good enough for writing. (I can barely make it in Swedish, so I draw the line here)
So what can I tell you now? I'm fatting up real good, sitting punching Excel-sheets all day and pretty much going to bed after dinner every night. Oh the exciting life of preggo! I still nurture the dream about going somewhere warm and enjoying an All Inclusive-week... but for now it looks like it will be a week in Germany instead and a weekend in Linköping. I mean, I'm not allowed to fly during the summer then anyway.
We watched the series How I Met Your Mother yesterday, an episode where they visist a gay bar and have a great time not getting groped by people, and I just started missing you A LOT!
Hmm... that's it for now, I think. The excel stuff is not so inspiering.
Yes, ONE more thing! They started a new show here; Moms and Mini Models. A couple of Swedish moms who's daughters (8-11 years or something) wants to become models. Ooooh! It's crazy De Lux! :)
Jaaa!!... weekend i Linköping <3
SvaraRaderaJa, jag hoppas det kan bli av! Vore skönt att ha en liten minisemester iväg. :)